

What is the least common denominator of 5 8s and 4 9s?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the least common denominator of 5 8s and 4 9s?
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The GCF of 9s and 63s^3 is 9s.

What is the greatest common factor of 9s and 36s?

Since 9s is a factor of 36s, it is automatically the GCF.

When writing a repeating decimal as fraction why does the fraction always have only 9s as the denominator?

There can be no answer to the question because it is based on a false assumption.0.3333... repeating = 1/3 : I don't see any 9s in the denominator!or 0.0111... repeating = 11/990 : I would not consider the last digit in the denominator to be 9.Having said that, the significance of 9 is that we count in blocks of one more: 10s.

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Yes, 3/4 is greater than 5/9. You know this because if the fractions are converted to have a common denominator they would be 27/36 (3/4) and 20/36 (5/9).

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What is the plural of 9s?

You could have one No. 9 or a handful of No. 9s

How do you write 0.81 repeating as a fraction in simplest form?

Write the repeating digits over the same number of 9s and simplify: 0.81... has two repeating digits ⇒ the denominator has two 9s, ie 99. ⇒ 0.81... = 81/99 = 9/11

-11 equals 9s plus 7?

9s + 7 = -11 9s = -18 s = -18/9 s = -2

How do you convert repeating decimal into a mixed number?

Put the repeating digits over the same number of 9s as there are repeating digits; then simplify.examples0.333333....There is 1 repeating digit (3), so one 9 in the denominator: 0.3333.... = 3/9 = 1/30.14285714285714....There are 6 repeating digits (142857) so six 9s in the denominator: 0.14285714285714... = 142857/999999 = 1/75.6666....There is 1 repeating digit (6), so one 9 in the denominator: 5.6666... = 5 + 0.6666....= 5 + 6/9= 5 + 2/3= 52/3

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The GCF is 9s.

How do you get 100 from five 9s?

Five 9s:(99 x 9 + 9) / 9 = 100

What is the fractional form of a decimal number?

It is a decimal number in which there is at least one non-zero digit after the decimal point (excluding an infinitely repeating 9s).