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Well, it's not a legacy, it's the truth, but I'll still answer your question...

God created a world, with Adam and Eve, and Eve decided to sin, and Adam sinned with her. That's how sin began. (Read The Bible - Genesis - if you want more information, it's a LOT to type). So since this world that God had created (our world) was fallen and full of sin, God decided to have a virgin become pregnant from the Holy Spirit (only God can make that happen) and this virgin would give birth to a Baby, whom she would name Jesus. Jesus came to the world as an innocent pure perfect little Baby. The Lord Jesus Christ came to save the world, came to take care of us and show us true unconditional love. He lived to die. It's amazing what He did for us. Jesus Christ knew He would be rejected by even one of His 12 disciples. So, He willingly went. Can you believe that? He willingly went to die for our sins so we could live a free and happy life! That's amazing! No wonder I'm so in love with Jesus Christ! Anyway, He went to be killed at the cross, His hands nailed to the cross, His feet nailed to the cross, and His hand topped with a crown of thorns. It couldn't have felt nice, but He did it because He loves us SOOOO much!

So anyway, He died for 3 days, and then can back! How awesome! He came back so He could conquer death, and no Christian needs to live in fear of death any longer! That's so cool! How amazing is He? He loves us SOOOOO MUCH! And I love Him right back! He's amazing, and He loves you too. Yup that's right, He died so you could ask for forgiveness as well, and live a happy peaceful live! True, Christians aren't freed of hard times. My life is hard sometimes. Satan will try to get ahold of you, and live isn't peachy. But Jesus is on our side, what more can you ask for? So true, as a Christian, you still have trials, and there will still be pain, Jesus didn't come to take that away. But still, when that trial is done (there will be more than one in your life) you realize, you went through it with Jesus, and life just seems even better than before the trial! I have learned to depend on Jesus for every thing in my life, and I've surrendered my life to Him. Best choice ever, I'll never regret it!

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12y ago
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11y ago

The legacy that Jesus left behind were all of his teaching that he left with his disciples and the people. And also his church that would have just grew and grew till now.

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15y ago

Jesus - Legacy A selection of articles related to Jesus - Legacy

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