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Hard, brittle, rock.

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1d ago

The lithosphere has a rigid texture, made up of the Earth's crust and the upper portion of the mantle. It is composed of solid rock that can vary in thickness and density across different regions of the Earth.

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Q: What is the lithosphere's texture?
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Do smaller planets generally have thinner lithospheres?

No, they are usually have thicker lithospheres.

What is the lithospheres temperature?

The temperature of the lithosphere varies depending on depth, location, and geologic activity. Generally, temperatures can range from around 200°C to over 1000°C in the upper mantle. The outermost layer, the crust, has a temperature that ranges from around 200°C to 500°C.

Which of the worlds have the thinnest lithospheres?

google search jessie rogers

What are two different types of lithospheres?

Oceanic Crust & Continental Crust

What part of speech is lithosphere?

The word lithosphere is a noun. The plural form is lithospheres.

Why the wave energy more concentrated on the headlands?

Cuz its where the three lithospheres met - hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere

What is mercury type of lithosphere?

The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of a planet. All terrestrial planets have lithospheres, but the lithospheres found on Mercury, Venus, and Mars, are thicker and more rigid than Earth's. Mercury's lithosphere lacks fluids and is thick and immobile. It has not changed much in the last billion years.

What the lithosphere contains?

Earth contains a lithosphere that contains the crust and the mantle. There are two types of lithospheres on earth which are the oceanic and the continental.

What is the texture of the aquamarine?

The texture is smooth.

What are tactile texture?

Tactile texture refers to the surface quality of an object that can be felt through touch. It describes how an object feels to the touch, such as smooth, rough, bumpy, or slippery. Tactile texture adds dimension and interest to both physical objects and visual representations.

What is visual texture?

Visual Texture is texture that is not touchable but can be seen.

What is the definition of actual texture?

Actual texture is texture which may be physically felt. Implied texture is texture that may be seen only, as in a painting. For instance, while the smooth texture of a statue or the uneven texture of a painter's brushstrokes are actual texture, the rough-appearance of a table in a still life painting is implied texture.