

Best Answer

Orion is a pattern or shape suggested by at least 8 major stars and several

dimmer ones, each with its own unique apparent visual magnitude.

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Q: What is the magnitude of constellation Orion?
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Saiph is a star in the constellation Orion with an apparent magnitude of 2.2; represents on of Orion's feet

What constellation is the Orion telescopes named after?

The Orion telescopes are named after the constellation with the same name, the Orion constellation. The Orion constellation is named after the hunter in Greek mythology also with the same name, Orion.

What is the constellation of Orion?

Orion is a pattern or shape suggested by at least 8 major stars and several dimmer ones, each with its own unique apparent visual magnitude.

How many constlettions does the Orion have?

One.Orion doesn't "have constellations". Orion is a constellation.

What type of galaxy is Orion?

Orion is a constellation

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Is Orion a constellation star or galaxy?

A constellation

What constellation is known as the hunter?

The constellation Orion.

What does vega and rigel mean?

Arabic, a Male name for Foot. Rigel is a blue star of the first magnitude that marks the hunter's left foot in the Orion constellation.

What is another name for the constellation Orion?

Orion is also known as "The Hunter"Another name for the constellation Orion is Hayk. This constellation can be found at night when the stars are out. For better chances of spotting this constellation it is recommended to invest in a telescope.

Where can you see the Greek constellation Lepus?

Lepus is a below the constellation of Orion. Orion is a very prominent constellation through the winter months.

What helps you recognize the constellation Orion?

Orion's Belt