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High nitrate levels in the water cause an increase in algal growth with reduces the amount of oxygen in the water, which in turn cause the fish to die.

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Q: What is the main cause of fish kills in rivers polluted by fertilizers?
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How does polluted rivers effect birds?

It kills them

Why is it not advisable to use fertilizers excessively?

Excessive use of fertilizers can lead to nutrient imbalances in the soil, which can harm plants and disrupt the ecosystem. It can also contribute to water pollution as excess nutrients can leach into water sources, causing algal blooms and harming aquatic life. Additionally, using excessive fertilizers is not cost-effective and can lead to wasted resources.

What are the effects of fertilizers on brine shrimp?

it kills the brine shrimp (sea monkeys) it kills the brine shrimp (sea monkeys)

Why are artificial fertilizers bad for wildlife?

NObecause it can cause alge in water which kills the fish underneathAlso, artificial fertilizers do nothing to improve the health of the soil, so they will have to be regularly reapplied. It is better to amend the soil with compost, as this actually feeds the soil and improves it, over time.

How phosphate cause pollution?

Phosphates are fertilizers. When excess amounts of phosphates enter bodies of water (rivers, lakes, etc.) there will be a tremendous growth of algae as a result of the fertilization. This algae will eventually form large masses of rotting vegetable matter which will deplete the oxygen in the water which kills all the fish. Then you have dead rotting fish along with the dead rotting vegetable matter, and the whole thing is very nasty.

How does the use of fertilizers potentially affect the water supply?

Fertilizers affect the water supply ,It kills all kinds of speies that live in and around the water and by thorwing toxins and can make people very sick and can even die.

What is organic according to usda?

Anything that kills is not an organ. Allways try to catch the drop of rain where ever it may fall as well as the fertilizers.

What are the bad effects of chemical fertilizers?

They harm the soil by making it acidic. The acidic material does not allow the plants to grow. the soil then has to be neutralised by adding basic material to it. They can actually poison your plants not only the annoying bugs that eat them. Also if you have a pet and it gets into the plant that has been sprayed, it can be fatal. It also kills many good living creatures that we need. A lot of the fertilizer is washed off and makes its way to contaminate waterways where it is not welcome.

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Breathing polluted air can cause various health issues, as it may contain harmful gases, particles, and toxins that can irritate the respiratory system, leading to respiratory problems, allergies, and even cardiovascular diseases. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can also increase the risk of developing conditions like asthma and lung cancer.

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