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Q: What is the main food source of Snowy owls?
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Do snowy owls store food?

No, they do not have a "crop", which is a sac that stores food. snowy owls swallow most of their food whole.

What is the snowy owls diet?

Rodents are the owl's main food, but it sometimes may prey on grouse and other birds.

Do snowy owls eat food and water?

Yes. Snowy owls, like all members of the animal kingdom, eat food and take in water in some form. Snowy owls feed primarily on mammals such as rodents, lemmings and hares.

What is a snowy owls favorite food?

Ice burger

What are snowy owls fave food?

There favorite food is rodents i believe.

How do snowy owls store food?

they catch food and bring it to the nest to store.

How are owls adapted to live?

snowy owls adapt to their enviorment by eating whats in their deit. /the food chain

What are snowy owls enemies?

The snowy owls enimes are a *itch

Are snowy owls a vertabrate?

Snowy owls are birds and birds are vertebrates.

Are snowy owls carnivores herbivores or omnivores?

Snowy owls are carnivores.

Do snowy owls eat wolves?

wolves do eat snowy owls

Do snowy owls have instincts?

yes snowy owls have instics. or else them would not know to hunt for food, hibranate, or even find shelter. All living animals have instincts.