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The plot for Midsummer Night's Dream:

There are 4 lovers. Helena, Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius. Hermia wants to marry Lysander, but her father wants her to marry Demetrius. Helena loves Demetrius, but he has no feelings for her; he loves Hermia.

In the woods there is a fairy king (Oberon) and a fairy queen (Titania). Titania is in charge of a young prince (the prince was a son of her dear friend who died in childbirth). Oberon loves armies and soldiers, and he wants Titania to give him the prince so that he may make the boy a soldier. Titania refuses. Oberon sends his chief fairy servant (Puck) to go and find a flower which he can use to convince Titania to give him the boy. If the juice of the flower is laid on a victim's eyes, the next thing that person sees they shall pursue with the soul of love. Oberon used this to make Titania fall madly in love with him, and then he made her give him the boy.

Oberon then sees the lovers going through the woods. He orders Puck to put the love juice on the lovers eyes. Puck messes up 3 or 4 times. He finally gets it right and everybody lives happily ever after.

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13y ago
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2mo ago

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" is a comedy by William Shakespeare that follows the intertwining stories of four lovers in a magical forest, where fairies manipulate their emotions. The play also features a group of amateur actors who unintentionally become involved in the chaos, resulting in a comedic series of misunderstandings and misadventures.

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11y ago

There are four plotlines which get mixed up with each other.

1. Theseus, Prince of Athens and Hippolyta are planning to get married at the new moon.

2. A group of workmen are trying to put together an amateur play to celebrate the wedding.

3. A young noblewoman called Hermia wants to marry Lysander, but her father wants her to marry Demetrius, and Demetrius's former girlfriend Helena still wants him.

4. Oberon, king of the fairies, is having a dispute in the forest with his wife Titania.

Hermia's father goes with his problem to Theseus. Theseus rules that Hermia has to choose between Demetrius, death and perpetual virginity. Instead Hermia and Lysander hoof it into the forest, followed by Demetrius and Helena. The workmen also are planning to rehearse there. This brings everyone bang up against the fairies.

Oberon wants to distract Titania so he gets his sidekick Puck to collect a flower that acts as a love potion. He uses it on Titania and, feeling sorry for Helena, tells Puck to put the love potion on Demetrius. Puck makes a mistake and juices Lysander instead, who falls for Helena. Meanwhile Puck changes the head of Bottom, the lead actor into a donkey's head, and the juiced Titania falls for him. Hilarity ensues.

Eventually everyone gets straightened out and Hermia marries Lysander (Theseus changes his mind about the death or virginity thing) and Demetrius marries Helena at the same time that Theseus marries Hippolyta. They celebrate their triple wedding by watching Bottom's so-bad-it's-good play.

Another Answer:A Royal wedding was to be held in the city of Athens between Hippolyta and the Duke of Athens, Theseus. This was to take place in four days time on the first of May.

During their talks about the wedding, Duke Egeus arrives and tells them that he is unhappy about the situation of his daughter not marrying Demetreus, even though he has given his blessing. Hermia has fallen in love with another person, and does not want to marry Demetrius.

Lysander is in love with this other person. Egeus is sure that with all the presents and kind words Lysander has won her over. The Duke comes and points out to Hermia, that it is a law in Athens not to go against a father's wishes, and that if she refuses to marry Demetrius she will either be condemned to death or will spend the rest of her as a nun in the convent.

The Duke gives Hermia 4 days to decide what she is going to do.

Just outside Athens lies Lysander's Aunt's house, and both Hermia and Lysander decide to hide there. Helena is Hermia's best school friend, so they decide to explain the situation, but Helena does not do as they ask.

She disobeys them, because she is in love with Demetrius and at one time Demetrius was in love with her. Helena tells Demetrius that both Hermia and Lysander are going to run away, hoping that he will be nice with her.

Now Demetrius is going to follow Lysander and Hermia Into the Woods and Helena decides to follow Demetrius.

Meanwhile some ordinary folk in Athens decide to put on a play for The Duke and his bride. Quince, Bottom, Flute, Snug and Snout are but everday people, and they have no knowledge of playwrighting or acting.

These men can not agree on who should play what so they decide to meet at moonlight in the Woods.

Now inside these same Woods that the men are meeting and that Lysander and Hermia are going to run away, the King and Queen fairies are to be found. They have come here in honour of the wedding.

Oberon and Titania were arguing about a young Indian boy, and one of Oberon's servants hears them. They both want the Indian boy to work for them.

Oberon plays a trick on Titania by placing magic flower juice over her eyelids so that she will fall in love with the first thing she sees when she awakens.

Demetrius enters the woods in search of Hermia and Lysander, but he is angry that he is followed by the forelorn, Helena. Oberon overhears the conversation between Demetrius and Helena. He feels sorry for Helena and decides to have Puck place the magic flower juice on Demetrius.

He hopes that Demetreus will fall in love with Helena. Puck mistakenly puts the magic flower on Lysander instead of Demetrius. It is nightfall. Both of them, Lysander and Hermia fall into a deep slumber. Helena finds Lysander in the woods and awakens him. Lysander and Helena go off together, now in love.

All the tradesmen meet in the woods. Bottom's head is turned into the head of an ass by the naughty Puck.

Embarrassed and frightened by his friends, Bottom runs away accidently waking up Titania. Titania then falls in love with Bottom, who has an ass-head. Demetrius finds Hermia in the woods and they fall in love.

In the end, the magic potion wears off. All is back to normal, Hermia and Lysander get married as well as Helena and Demetrius.

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11y ago

Touch on infatuation with another in the play, how love is made into a comedy, and the warring lovers... Smiles

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