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Nitrogen is a non metal element. Mass number of it is 14.

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Q: What is the mass number of an atom of nitrogen?
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What determins the mass number of nitrogen?

The mass number of a nitrogen atom is determined by the mass of the nucleus. As it is the relative mass, it is equal to the combined number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. For example, the most common isotope of nitrogen contains seven protons and seven neutrons, giving it a mass number of 14. Some atoms of nitrogen have an extra neutron, which gives a mass number of 15.

What is atom with atomic mass of 14 and atomic number of 7?


How do you calculate the mass of one Nitrogen atom?

Add the number of Protons and the number of Neutrons. The answer is 14 atomic mass

How many neutrons does an atom of nitrogen have if the mass number is 13?

6 neutrons

What is the name that has the number of 7 and the mass number of 15?

Atom number 7 is Nitrogen, 157N , isotope 15 with mass number 15 The answer is N(15) isotope

Nitrogen has 7 protons and 7 neutrons The atomic mass of nitrogen is?

14 A proton has an atomic mass of approximately 1 AMU. A neutron also has an atomic mass of approximately 1 AMU. For most purposes, the atomic mass of an electron is considered to be negligible. Without knowing the number of protons this atom contains, one cannot calculate the atomic mass of the atom.

What is the atomic number of nitrogen -14?

14 (mass number) - 7 (number of protons) = 7 (number of neutrons)

What is the total mass of an atom of nitrogen known as?

It is known as the atomic mass of nitrogen. It equals 14.00674

How is a nitrogen atom different from a nitrogen molecule?

A single nitrogen atom can be chemically reactive while a nitrogen molecule is relatively stable and tends to be faf more inert. A nitrogen molecule also has twice the mass of a nitrogen atom.

What is the mass number of Nitrogen?

The mass number of Nitrogen is 14 :-) boring :-( eww :-\

Why does nitrogen have a mass number of 15?

It does not, the mass number of nitrogen is 14 not 15.

How many neutrons can be found in an atom of nitrogen?

Number of neutrons = Atomic mass of an isotope - Atomic number of the element For the most important natural stable isotope of nitrogen - 14N - the number of neutrons is 7.