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A 2kg object requires 30N of force to accelerate at 15m/s^2 .

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9y ago
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6d ago

The mass of the object can be calculated using Newton's second law, which states that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. Therefore, mass = force/acceleration = 30N / 5m/s^2 = 6 kg.

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12y ago

Just use Newton's Second Law: F = ma. Solving for mass: m = F/a (mass = force / acceleration).

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7y ago

5 sec is not ate do you mean 5 meters per second per second? F= ma or force = mass x acceleration. If force is 30N and acceleration 5 m/sec/sec then mass = 30/5 = 6 kilograms

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6y ago

The mass can be calculated using Newton's Second Law, as:m = F/a

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10y ago

6 kg

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Kamdyn Lakey

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3y ago

30*5=150m/s squared

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Q: What is the mass of an object that requires a force of 30 n to accelerate at a rate of 5m sec2?
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Why does it require much less force to accelerate a low mass object than it does to accelerate a high mass object the same amount?

It requires less force to accelerate a low mass object because the acceleration produced is directly proportional to the force applied and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Therefore, a smaller mass object will experience a greater acceleration for the same applied force compared to a higher mass object.

If a constant force acts on two object's of different masses which object will accelerate more?

The object with a smaller mass will accelerate more when acted upon by a constant force because acceleration is inversely proportional to mass. Specifically, the acceleration is calculated by dividing the force by the mass of the object, so a smaller mass will result in a greater acceleration.

Is it harder to accelerate a moving object?

No, it is not harder to accelerate a moving object. The initial motion of the object does not affect the force required to accelerate it further. The force required to accelerate an object depends on its mass and the desired acceleration.

If equal forces are applied to a light and a heavy object which one will accelerate more?

The heavy object will accelerate less than the light object if equal forces are applied. This is because the heavier object has more mass, so it requires more force to accelerate it.

Does it take more force to accelerate a moving object?

No, it takes the same force to accelerate a moving object as it does to accelerate a stationary object, according to Newton's first law of motion. The force required depends on the mass of the object and the desired acceleration.

Related questions

If a constant force acts on two object's of different masses which object will accelerate more?

The object with a smaller mass will accelerate more when acted upon by a constant force because acceleration is inversely proportional to mass. Specifically, the acceleration is calculated by dividing the force by the mass of the object, so a smaller mass will result in a greater acceleration.

When the net force is not zero what will an object do?

Accelerate. Using Newton's second law, Net Force = mass * acceleration rearranged the equation acceleration = Net Force/mass so when the force is non zero and the mass is non zero, the object will accelerate. Note: This does not mean that the object is always at rest when the force is zero, it simply means the velocity is constant (when velocity =0, the object is at rest).

How does a change in mass affects the accelaration of an object?

A change in mass does not directly affect the acceleration of an object. Acceleration is dependent on the force applied to the object and the object's mass according to Newton's second law (F = ma). Therefore, if the force remains constant, a change in mass will not affect the acceleration.

How is motion of an object affected when force acts on it?

If a force is exerted on an object, it will accelerate in inverse proportion to its mass in the direction of the force. For example, if two objects of different mass are subjected to the same force, the less massive object will accelerate more.

A net force causes an object to?

Accelerate, motion is generated by applying force to mass.

The force required to slide an object is equal to?

The force required to accelerate an object depends on the object's mass. Newton's second law states that Force = Mass * Acceleration. Re-written to solve for acceleration, this becomes Acceleration = Force/Mass. Basically, this means that the more mass an object has, the more force is required to accelerate it. Also, the faster you want to accelerate the object, the more force you will need.

What is required to accelerate an object?

To accelerate an object, a force must be applied to it in the direction of the desired acceleration. The amount of force required is determined by the mass of the object and the desired rate of acceleration, as described by Newton's second law of motion, F = ma.

Why do two objects with different mass will fall at the same time?

In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate due to gravity regardless of their mass. This is because gravity accelerates all objects equally, causing them to fall at the same rate towards the Earth. It is known as the equivalence principle, which states that inertial mass and gravitational mass are equivalent.

How are acceleration and force the same?

Force and acceleration are NOT the same. If you apply a net force to an object, it causes the object to accelerate. The amount of acceleration depends on the force and the mass of the object. Force = mass x acceleration.

When can an object have Acceleration?

Whenever there is a resultant force acting on a body which is having some mass, then that body will accelerate (or) A body whose velocity is changing with respect to time and having some mass then the body will accelerate.

What describes the effects of forces on an object?

Isaac Newton defines force as mass times acceleration.

What you get when you multiply an object mass times the acceleration?

You find the force that's causing the object to accelerate.