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This question does not make sense. If you asked "what is the mass equivalent of 1.5 Joules" the answer would be 1.67 zk. A Joule is a measure of energy. One Joule is the amount of energy it takes to lift one Newton through one meter. The equation that links energy and mass is the famous E = m * c^2 We can re-arrange this to read m = E / c^2 The speed of light, c, is equal to 299 792 458 m/s or approximately 3 * 10^8 m/s so this equality resolves to m = 1.5 / (3 * 10^8)^2 kg = 1.67 * 10^-21 kg or 1.67 zk (zeptokilos) To put this into perspective, a small virus has a mass of about 10 zeptokilos; we're talking here about one million hydrogen atoms.

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Q: What is the mass of and object which is 1.5 Joules?
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