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Globes have been made from all sorts of materials, including glass, marble, wood, and metal. Today, plastic, cardboard, and fiberboard are most common for the sphere, which is mounted on a plastic or metal spindle.

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Q: What is the material used to make globes?
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How are globes used?

globes are used to find a country or etc.

Who makes world globes?

Scientists study and make globes.

Why do distances appear longer on maps than globes?

It is to do with the scale used on the maps and globes.

Do snow globes make good gifts?

Snow globes make awesome gifts especially when they are handmade with love. Kids and adults can make them for others to enjoy, and they can personalize them to fit the recipient perfectly.

What types of material is inside a Christmas globe to look like snow?

Originally, bone chips or pieces of porcelain were used as the material to look like snow in Christmas globes. Over time, as designs grew more sophisticated, these materials were replaced with particles of gold foil or non-soluble soap flakes. Nowadays the snow in globes is made of small pieces of white plastic.

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Velour material is material used to make tracksuits etc.

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Maps and Globes

What are National Geographic globes used for?

National Geographic globes are a 3 dimensional reference for educational or casual exploration. These globes are decorative for home or office and will add sophistication with antique or modern style options.

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How globe useful?

globes are used to find a country or etc.