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The limit is 100 but, after that you can't tweet for like 10 mins then you can keep tweeting

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10y ago

The maximum amount of tweets per day per account is 1000, including retweets.

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How do you clean up old Tweets?

You can only delete your own tweets, not others. If you want to delete your tweets, you need to delete them one by one by clicking on "Delete" under the tweet.

Who sees deleted tweets?

No one. Once you delete a tweet, it cannot be accessed in any way.

Who can see your tweets?

If your account isn't protected then anyone can go to your profile and see your tweets. Similarly, your tweets can appear in search results. For example, if someone searches "dog" and you mention "dog" in one of your tweets then it will appear in the results.

How can you send tweets to people not following you?

You can't send a private message to someone who isn't following you, but you can send a reply using a at (@) followed by the person's username and your message. You can do this by Mentioning them or by replying to one of their tweets.

Can you select one Tweet as private and not all at the same time?

No. The only thing you can do is make your account private, which will make all your future tweets private (but past tweets may appear in stuff like search results). Unprivating your account makes all future and past tweets publicly visible.

How do you delete sent tweets?

you have no power over someone else's tweets. however, if someone @your twitter account name and said bad things about you, then maybe there is a way to flag them? you should look into that. good luck! :)

How do you know when a celebrity replys on Twitter?

If a celebrity, or any user, replies to one of your tweets, or mentions you in a tweet, it will be shown on your homepage. You can also access all tweets that you have been mentioned in by clicking on the @username (your username) tab on the right hand sidebar of your home page.

How do you mention people on Twitter?

When you mention someone on Twitter, you either click 'reply' on one of their tweets or you open their profile and write your tweet in the box provided. You can also simply mention in your tweet with "@username". Take care there's no space between their username and the @ sign though.

What does favorite mean on Twitter?

You can mark a tweet as a "favorite" so that they appear in a special "favorite's" list. This is so you can see the best, funniest, most inspiring tweets etc that you liked in the one place.

How do you keep your tweets private so that others should not see it in any part of the world except for the person whom you are tweeting to?

You can protect your tweets but all of your followers will still be able to see the tweet and not just one specific person. To keep a message completely private then you should use the direct messaging option.

How can i send a tweet to everyone I'm following?

Any tweets you write (which don't begin with an @username) will appear on your timeline for all of your followers to see. Anyone who also visits your profile (providing you don't have protected tweets) will also see your tweet.

Does Zendaya Coleman answer all her messages?

If you are asking, "Does she answer all her messages on twitter?", than the answer in no. Though she read every single one, she does not have time to answer them all. Know that she read your tweet though! She ♥ getting loving tweets from her fans.