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250 watts, is the maximum, according to the info you gave me.

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Q: What is the maximum bulb size for a 250W - 250V socket?
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How many lux is a 250w halogen bulb?

A 250W halogen bulb typically produces around 5000-6000 lux at a distance of 1 meter. Lux is a measure of illuminance, or the amount of light falling on a surface.

Does 660 watt socket use a 60 watt bulb?

Yes, a 660 watt socket can safely handle a 60 watt bulb. The wattage rating of a socket indicates the maximum amount of power it can handle, so a 60 watt bulb is well within the safe range for a 660 watt socket.

Can you use a 130 volt light bulb in a 120 volt socket?

It is not recommended to use a 130 volt light bulb in a 120 volt socket as it may cause the bulb to burn out prematurely or even pose a safety hazard. It is best to match the voltage rating of the bulb with the voltage of the socket to ensure proper function and safety.

What is the thing you screw a light bulb into?

It is called a socket or base. This keeps the bulb securely in place and allows electricity to flow directly to the bulb.

Can you use a 120 volt bulb in a 130 volt socket?

It is not recommended to use a 120 volt bulb in a 130 volt socket as it can cause the bulb to burn out faster or even lead to safety hazards. It is important to match the voltage rating of the bulb with the socket for optimal performance and safety.

Can you use a 130 volt swimming pool light bulb in a 120 volt swimming pool socket?

No, it is not recommended to use a 130-volt bulb in a 120-volt socket as it can lead to potential safety hazards. The bulb may burn out prematurely, overheat, or cause damage to the socket and wiring. Always use the recommended voltage bulbs for your light fixtures.

Can you use 250W metal halide bulb in a 1000W metal halide ballast?

No. The lamp has to match the ballast. The lamp will not ignite if the wrong ballast is used.

How do you replace license plate bulb on a 2000 dodge neon?

== # Remove screws attaching license plate lamp to rear bumper # Remove lamp from bumper. # Remove bulb socket from lamp. # Pull bulb from socket. == # Install bulb into socket. # Install bulb socket into lamp. # Place lamp in position. # Install screws attaching license plate lamp to rear bumper.

A 100W 250 V 200W 250V is connected in series across a 500V AC which bulb will fuse first?

both will be fused.

What is an Edison screw socket?

The screw socket into which an ordinary light bulb is inserted.

How do you replace the fog lights for a 2003 Chevy Tahoe?

Remove the socket from the rear of the fixture, remove faulty bulb from socket and replace with good bulb and replace socket in fixture. Fini!

How do you change a light bulb when the piece it screws into twists with it?

This sounds like a household light socket you are inquiring about, replace the bulb and socket as well.