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the minimum frequency of ultrasonic waves used in medical applications are (1-10)mhz. It may also extend to 20 MHz in foetus ultrasound.

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Q: What is the maximum frequency of ultrasonic waves?
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How does frequency of the ultrasonic waves of the echo from the stationary object compare with frequency of the ultrasonic waves of the probe?

the frequencies are same.

Why ultrasonic waves are not electromagnetic waves?

No. They are mechanical waves, ultrasonic waves are sound waves and require a medium for propagation. The word ultrasonic denotes that they have a frequency above the audible range (above 20 KHz).

Are ultrasonic waves called as electromagnetic wave?

No ultrasonic waves are not a form of electromagnetic wave. Ultrasonic waves are nothing more than high frequency sound waves. They can be made with a suitable speaker or transducer.

High frequency sound waves are know as?

Ultrasonic sound.

What is the reason for ultrasonic waves not being in the form of electromagnetic waves?

Ultrasonic waves are high frequency sonic waves. They're sound, which is mechanical energy. Electromagnetic waves are waves of electromagnetic energy, like radio waves or light. Mechanical energy is different from electromagnetic energy, hence the reason for ultrasonic waves not taking the form of electromagnetic waves.

What is the properties of ultrasonic sound waves?

They have a frequency of above 20,000Hz inaudible to human ear.

Compare ultrasonic and infrasonic?

The definition of infrasonic is relating to sound waves with a frequency below the limit of human hearing, 20 Hz. Ultrasonic relates to sound waves with a frequency above the limit of human hearing, 20,000 Hz.

Does an MRI create images by combining high-frequency ultrasonic waves and strong magnets?


Is ultrasonic wave radio frequency?

ultrasonic wave is sound frequency

What are ultrasonic sensors also known as?

Ultrasonic sensors are also known as transceivers but are more generally called transducers. Ultrasonic sensors work similar to radar or sonar which generate high frequency sound waves.

What are the uses of ultrasonic sound waves?

With special electronically driven crystals, it is possible to produce mechanical waves at any frequency up to a few million Hertz (cycles per second). If the sound waves are above 20kHz (the maximum humanly audible frequency) they are called ultrasonic waves. Because of their short wavelength, ultrasonic waves can be focused onto small areas and can be imaged much as visible light. Ultrasonic waves penetrate tissue and are scattered and absorbed within it. Using specialized techniques called ultrasound imaging, it is possible to form visible images of ultrasonic reflections and absorptions. Therefore, structures within living organisms can be examined with ultrasound, as with X-rays. Ultrasonic examinations are safer than X-rays and often can provide as much information. In some cases, such as in the examination of a fetus and the heart, ultrasonic methods can show motion, which is very useful in such displays.Here are a few:Ultrasonic cleaningUltrasonic motion detectionUltrasonic weldingUltrasonic sonographyUltrasonic communicationUltrasonic destructionHeart examsPre-natal investigation

What creates images by combining high-frequency ultrasonic waves and strong magnets?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)