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33 feet, or one atmosphere.

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2w ago

The maximum height for drafting (suction) from a fire truck is typically around 10 feet. Beyond this height, it may be difficult to maintain a consistent water flow due to limitations in the pump's ability to lift water. It's important to follow manufacturer guidelines and best practices to ensure effective firefighting operations.

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How would the sound reaching you from a fire truck siren be changed if instead of approaching you the fire truck was moving away?

As the fire truck moves away from you, the pitch of the siren would sound lower. This is because the sound waves are stretched out or lengthened due to the Doppler effect, resulting in a lower frequency of sound reaching your ears.

In situations will the observer perceive the highest frequency from the fire truck siren?

The observer will perceive the highest frequency from the fire truck siren when the siren is approaching them. This is due to the Doppler effect, where the sound waves get compressed as the source moves towards the observer, resulting in a higher pitch.

What things sound red?

Fire truck sirens, a bell pepper crunching, and a violin playing a passionate melody.

How does a black box work?

A black box is a device that records flight data and cockpit conversations in airplanes to assist in investigations of accidents or incidents. It is designed to withstand high impact or fire and is located in the tail section of an aircraft for maximum protection in the event of a crash. It helps investigators reconstruct the sequence of events leading up to an incident.

How is the fire truck used to day?

Fire trucks are essential for responding to emergencies such as fires, vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, and rescues. They are equipped with firefighting equipment, medical supplies, and tools to help first responders carry out their duties effectively and efficiently. Fire trucks also serve as a symbol of safety and protection in communities.