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The mean, median, mode and range to this data set are:

  • Mean = 4
  • Median = 3
  • Mode = 1, 2
  • Range = 8
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Q: What is the mean medain mode and range to this data set 1 5 9 1 2 4 8 2?
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Can a data set have the same mean median and mode?

yes it can. Imagine the set 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 well, the mode is obviously 1. there are ten 1s and 10*1/10=1 so the mean is one the median would be (1+1)/2=1 so the data has the same mean, medain and mode.

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It is acceptable (and quite common) to have multiple values for the mode. Examine the following data sample: Number of pets per family on Main Street 1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5,9 In this case, the mode is {1, 2}

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What does mode and range mean in a math problem?

range is the spread of the data mode is the most common value in the domain

What is the mode median mean and range of 65?

The mode, median, and range of a single data point such as 65 are all the data point itself, 65 in this instance.

What is range mean madin and mode mean?

all the data added together

Can a data set have the same mean median mode and range?


Is descriptive data a technique?

No, descriptive data is not a technique; it is data that describe the sample such as mean, SD, mode, and range.

What does mode average mean in maths?

The three central tendencies are mean, median and mode. Sometimes mid-range is used. Mean, arithmetic mean, add all the data and divided by the number of pieces of data. Median is the middle number when all the data is arranged in order. The average of the two middle pieces of data is you have an even number of data. Mode is the data that appears the most. Mid-range is the average of the least and greatest pieces of data.

What does range tell us that mode does not?

Range is a measure of variation; mode is a measure of center. Range will tell you how much the data vary, mode does not tell you how much the data vary.

What is the mean median mode and range of a number?

These terms apply to a set of data: mode: to the most common number (the number that appears most often) median: the middle number mean: The sum of all the data divided by the number of data items present. range: the difference between the largest and smallest values of data

How does subtracting the same amount from each value in a data set affect the mean median mode and range?

The mean, the median, the mode and the upper and lower limits of the range would each be reduced by the amount subtracted.