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Q: What is the meaning faith substance for thing hope for?
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What is the meaning for Italy flag color?

green means faith white means hope and red means charity

What are the release dates for Hope and Faith - 2003 Love and Teeth 3-5?

Hope and Faith - 2003 Love and Teeth 3-5 was released on: USA: 21 October 2005 France: 14 December 2006

What are the release dates for Hope and Faith - 2003 Faith Fairfield 1980-2005 3-3?

Hope and Faith - 2003 Faith Fairfield 1980-2005 3-3 was released on: USA: 7 October 2005 France: 12 December 2006

What are the ratings and certificates for Hope and Faith - 2003 The Wedding 1-12?

Hope and Faith - 2003 The Wedding 1-12 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp

What are the ratings and certificates for Hope and Faith - 2003 Mall in the Family 2-2?

Hope and Faith - 2003 Mall in the Family 2-2 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp

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Meaning of the anchor heart and cross tattoo?

faith, hope, and love or Faith, hope, and charity depends on which version of the bible

What does a tattoo of a winged heart symbolize?

Well to me a winged heart with a halo obove them is my personal symbol for Faith, Hope and Love. The halo meaning Faith, wings meaning Hope and the heart meaning Love.

Similarity of faith and hope?

Hope is something you do for no reason in particular. You hope the mail comes, or you hope for prosperity. When you have faith the thing you want to happen is already in the books; you believe it will happen for you. You can still hope it will happen, but you are pretty sure it will, depending on how strong your faith is.

What is the symbolism and meaning of the flag Italy?

Faith, hope and charity

What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression in good faith?

i believe it means: to hope that...

What is the meaning of the lyrics of Naima sung by Angelique Kidjo?

love,faith ,hope

A sentence with the word faith?

Yes, the word 'faith' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for complete trust or confidence in someone or something; a strongbelief in God or in the doctrines of a religion; a word for a thing.

What are the chracteristics of faith?

Faith is simply to believe in something without proof of it's existance. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This means that faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true.

Be of good cheer meaning?

it is a message of approval, encouragement or congratulation. Have hope, do not be discouraged, do not loose faith.

What is a meaning of prathisha?

"Prathisha" is a Hindu name meaning "hope" or "promise" in Sanskrit. It is often used to symbolize optimism and faith in a positive outcome.

What are the ratings and certificates for Hope and Faith - 2003 Hope Has No Faith 1-6?

Hope and Faith - 2003 Hope Has No Faith 1-6 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp

What are some words that have the same meaning of hope?

faith n belief i think!! in sentences like "i hope you do well" its more like wish or somethinf but like in i have hope in you...then more like faith/belief etc...i thin!! :S i hope this helped!! IF YOU WANT YOU CAN DOUBLE CHECK A THESAURUS!! :)