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Directly translated it means "new stone". But it was the period of time when societes went through an Agricultural Revolution, 8000 BC-3000 BC.

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1mo ago

The Neolithic period, also known as the New Stone Age, refers to a time in prehistory characterized by the development of agriculture, animal domestication, and settled communities. It is a significant transition from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a more sedentary way of life. This era saw the emergence of pottery, weaving, and the use of polished stone tools.

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Greek word meaning new stone?


What is the prefix of neolithic?

Neo is a Greek word for New, and lithic is also a Greek word meaning stone. So the word Neolithic means New Stone (age), since it was the second revolution after the Paleolithic Revolution. Which also has Greek roots, meaning Old Stone (age).

Where did the neolithic people live?

neolithic farmers lived in Ireland

Why are hunter gatherers Neolithic?

Hunter-gatherers are not considered Neolithic. The Neolithic period is characterized by the advent of agriculture and the domestication of plants and animals. Hunter-gatherer societies, on the other hand, are characterized by their reliance on hunting and gathering for sustenance. The Neolithic period followed the Paleolithic period, which was dominated by hunter-gatherer societies.

What is another name for the new stone age is the?

The Neolithic time period or the Neolithic Age.

What is neolithic in a sentence?

The neolithic age was the one when neolithic weapons were used. It was a part of the stone age also.

Where did Neolithic people live?

Many neolithic farmers have been staying in Ireland in the Neolithic Era. Hope this helps! ~Jamie

Where did the neolithic lived?

neolithic farmers lived in Ireland

Is chirand a neolithic site?

Yes, Chirand is a neolithic site.

What was a product of neolithic culture?

Dogs were domesticated in Neolithic times.

What happened in the neolithic era?

The neolithic era was famous for the beginning of human technology. The neolithic era is known as the end of the stone age. You can get more information about the neolithic era online at the Wikipedia.

What is a sentence for Neolithic era?

That sort of thinking is straight from the Neolithic era.