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Q: What is the meaning of crestfallen?
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When was The Crestfallen created?

The Crestfallen was created in 1992-06.

What is the definition of crestfallen?

Crestfallen means dejected or disappointed

A sentence for crestfallen?

Mary's crestfallen face was surprisingly cute.

Crestfallen in a sentence?

I felt really crestfallen after knowing that i have failed my examinations.

What is the definition of the word crestfallen?

There are many ways one might use the term 'crestfallen.' The definition of the word 'crestfallen' means for one to feel sad or disappointed. Crestfallen could also be used to replace dejected.

What are the release dates for Crestfallen - 2011?

Crestfallen - 2011 was released on: USA: 1 August 2011

Would you please use the word crestfallen in a sentence?

After losing the ballgame, I felt hollow, depressed and crestfallen.

What is an antonym for crestfallen?

Hairaisin' ...

How do you use the word crestfallen in a sentence?

The entire team came back looking crestfallen after losing the championship game.

Meaning of crestfallen?

sad and disappointed

What is the common word for crestfallen?


What is the origin of the word crestfallen?

It relates to the days of jousting, when the losing protagonist was knocked from his horse, along with his shield or 'crest' hence, crestfallen.