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to quit, fail or be fired/expelled etc 'Ah man, he nearly had dat girl but the fool dashed out'

'He a waster, boy dashed out at school'

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Q: What is the meaning of dashed out?
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The lifeguard dashed into the water to save the drowning child?

There are two verbs in this sentence: dashed, and save. The phrase "to save the drowning child" is a prepositional phrase, and therefore the primary action verb in this sentence is dashed.

What is the dictionary meaning of the phrase dashed off?

"Dashed off" means to write or compose something quickly, often without much thought or effort. It can also refer to completing a task hastily or in a hurried manner.

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What is the simple predicate of this sentence The lifeguard dashed into the water to save the drowning child? The answer is Dashed.

What is the simple predicate of this sentence The lifeguard dashed into the water to save the drowning child?

What is the simple predicate of this sentence The lifeguard dashed into the water to save the drowning child? The answer is Dashed.

A dashed line on a topographic map often represent?

On a topographic map dashed lines can represent boundaries (e.g. national, state, etc). A dashed line can also represent a hiking trail or a telephone, or above-ground oil or gas line.The color and length of the dashes can distinguish between one type and another. Check the map legend to understand the exact meaning.

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I have a confusion about this. But, in my opinion predicter model should expressed as dashed line.

Which inequalities have solid line and which ones have dashed lines?

Any line divides the Cartesian plane into two parts. When deciding whether the line should be solid or dashed, think of the points on the line. If these points are not in the permitted region then it will be a dashed line, otherwise it will be a solid line. Usually this will mean that a strict inequality is dashed.

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What is a dashed line?

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