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That means being completely different

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Q: What is the meaning of idiom being as different a chalk and cheese?
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What does being as difirent as chalk cheese?

That means being totally different

What is a simile for as different as?

As different as chalk and cheese, or apples and oranges.

Is there chalk in cheese?

No. Cheese is made from milk and a curdling agent, such as rennet.

What is the difference between chalk and cheese?

Chalk has a distinctly chalky taste. cheese is only sometimes chalky, but can be soft, creamy, hard, and smelly too

What is meant by As different as chalk from cheese?

It means 2 things or people are extremely different from one another. Like black and white or east and west.

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What is the opposite of cheese?

Because the word cheese is a noun, it technically doesn't have an opposite. In the English language, only adjectives have opposites. In addition to the above, which is completely correct, there is a common saying, "as different as chalk and cheese," which is used when trying to emphasise that two things are very different. But it doesn't mean that chalk is the opposite of cheese. In fact, chemically they're probably far more similar than any other two randomly chosen substances in that they both have a reasonable calcium content.

What is the meaning of 'chalk it up to'?

chalk it up to means to raise or to really play your positives

Inches to gallons?

Inches and gallons are like chalk and cheese - cannot be compared.

There is any difference between vc plus plus net and vbnet?

The only things they have in common are that they are both intended for programming within the .NET framework and are both developed by Microsoft. Other than that they are as different as chalk and cheese. They are completely different languages that target the framework in different ways, the only common factor being the framework itself.

Is Lady Gaga better than Eminem?

This is a matter of personal preference.They are two completely different artists with two completely different styles. Comparing them is like comparing chalk and cheese.

What is the similarities between ubuntu and micorsoft?

The only similarity between Microsoft Windows (propriety) and Ubuntu (open-source) is that they are both operating systems. Apart from that, they are as different as chalk and cheese!