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according to the basukuma of mwanza Tanzania, school of thought does means the mindset, the view of people on something the way they can expreess matters that influence peoples in general like the question of origjin of law or the relationshipp between law an democracy. for instance leadership of the basukuma is by tribal inheritance of succession of a tribe capable to dominate, such as the "Ng'wanangwa".

Magangila Salvatory - St. Augustine University of Tanzania - Mwanza Campus, Nyegezi.

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Schools of thought in anthropology refer to different theoretical perspectives or approaches that scholars use to study and understand human societies and cultures. These schools of thought can offer different insights, methodologies, and interpretations on various anthropological topics, helping to shape the discipline and its understanding of human diversity. Examples of schools of thought in anthropology include cultural materialism, structuralism, feminist anthropology, and post-colonial theory.

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