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'Hit the press' refers to something that will or has made a splash in the news headlines; something that's not quite a splash might be said to 'make the papers'.

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Q: What is the meaning of the collocation hit the press?
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Word collocation

What is a company that rents space and telecommunications equipment from another company or a collocation vendor called?

I have it as collocation.

What are examples of collocation?

Some examples of collocations are "heavy rain," "make a decision," "strong coffee," and "fast food." These are common word combinations that go together naturally in English.

What is a collocation service responsible for?

Collocation refers to the way words occur together in normal speech, and a collocation service helps to identify things that would be helpful for things like brochures and fliers that are widely distributed. Well, a collocation service basically refers to a company that is assisting with a company's IT setup.

What is collocation?

A collocation is a set of two words or more having a specific lexical meaning. For example: - Strong tea - Harry Potter - The Dead Sea - Make peace - Knock on a door - Ticktacktoe - Hodgepodge

Is soda a collocations?

give me some example of collocation

What is lexical collocation?

Lexical collocation refers to the tendency of certain words to occur more frequently together due to their natural linguistic association. It helps in understanding the relationship between words and patterns in language usage. Identifying collocations can enhance language proficiency and aid in effective communication.

How does the collocation services work?

The service known as collocation works by renting space, power, cooling and maintenance to companies for them to store their servers to reduce the workload for their own computer technicians.

What is the meaning of press for?

to press for - to try to get (for example, a change)

Word collocation involves?

Writing a sentence with a vocabulary word in it

What is the definition of a Collocation Data Center?

A Collocation Data Center is a type of data center where equipment space and bandwidth are available for rental to retail customers. It provides space and cooling for the server.

Using a vocabulary word in a sentence is part of the process of?

word collocation