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To protect them from evil eye. People usually put red yarn on infant babies to protect them from envious people.

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Q: Why do some people wear a red yarn around their wrist?
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Most people wear their watch under the wrist bone. <3 welcum.

Why do people wear their watch on the left wrist?

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At most levels it is not compulsory to wear a white wristband.

What wrist should women wear their watch?

They should wear it on their left wrist.

Why do you point at your wrists while asking what the time is?

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Because they are right handed - left handed people generally wear their watch on their left wrist

Does it matter which wrist you wear your magnetic bracelet on?

if you feel positive wearing it on your right wrist...then wear it on your right...and if you fell positive wearing it on your left wrist...then wear it on your left

What does Adam Levine wear around his right wrist in the video This Love?

He wears a yellow bandanna

What side of the dress does mother of groom wear her corsage?

Wrist corsage usually worn on the non-dominant side of hand. It is to make sure that the shape of the wrist corsage will not be distracted when most of the works will smoothly done by the dominant hand. However, some experimental position would be good. Sometimes, people tend to put on their wrist corsage around the collar bone, center of the chest, cuff and even hand bag.

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Emo culture is more about style and music taste rather than specific beliefs. However, individuals associated with emo subculture may share a sense of emotional depth, introspection, and often express themselves through music, art, or writing to convey their feelings and experiences. It is important to recognize that people are diverse and cannot be generalized based on subculture alone.