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two headed snake

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Q: What is the meaning of two headed snake dreams?
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What does it mean when you dream about a two headed snake that wants to hurt you but you chase it away?

it means you have lunatic dreams, are in a mental state, and should see a doctor.

is a two headed snake poisonous?

It depends on the breed of the snake, I would think.

Explain the carolous linnaeus ''two headed snakes''?

a double headed snake with no tail, what does it mean?

Habitat for two headed snake?

There is no particular habitat. Two-headed snakes are not a species. They are an abnormailty that can happen in a variety of species in different habitats. A two-headed snake usually does not live very long.

Is there such thing as a two headed snake?

Yes, they do exist. The "golden girls", a two headed albino rat snake is an example.

Does five headed snake exist?

No !! Upto Now Only Two - Headed Snakes' Sightings And Existence Have Been Recorded Not Five - Headed

What do two-headed snakes eat?

Two headed snakes are VERY rare, but they could most likely be found in captivity because it would be hard for them to be found in the wilderness. 8)

What is English in Swahili?

Lizard or Snake, also refers to multi-headed snakes of myth (mainly a two-headed variant)

What gift did Montezuma send to the Spanish?

He sent a two headed snake pendant.

What is Swahili ndumakuwili in English?

Lizard or Snake, also refers to multi-headed snakes of myth (mainly a two-headed variant)

What is the meaning if you dream killing two headed snake with your feet?

If you see a two-headed snake in your dream it refers to cooperation and teamwork in a relationship. If you dream of 'killing' that snake (no matter the method), it signifies your desire to end that relationship.

How do you evolve a syrupent in viva pinata?

get it,s egg and then hit the egg after the big jump that makes a two headed snake. then when you romance 2 two headed snakes and hit the egg you get a four headed i have not romanced 2 4headed yet but you could try and then tell me!