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In Macbeth, the term "vulnerable crests" refers to the exposed and defenseless positions of those in power. It symbolizes the fragility and instability of leadership, highlighting how easily those in positions of authority can be toppled or overthrown. This concept underscores the themes of ambition, betrayal, and the consequences of unchecked power in the play.

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Q: What is the meaning of vulnerable crests in Macbeth?
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The opposite of vulnerable is invulnerable, meaning not susceptible to harm or attack.

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The quality or state of being vulnerable; vulnerableness.

Meaning of vulnerability?

The quality or state of being vulnerable; vulnerableness.

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What is the literal meaning of Macbeth?

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In line 42 what does Lady Macbeth mean by the ornament of life?

Lady Macbeth meaning to the ornament of life can be refer to the golden opinions of line 33. It could even be refer to the crown.

How do others view Macbeth?

The question is too vague because we don't know the meaning of "others". Here are some possibilities: 1. I watch Macbeth on YouTube, but others view Macbeth on stage. 2. I think Macbeth is Shakespeare's greatest play but others view Macbeth as inferior to Othello, Lear and Hamlet. 3. King Duncan views Macbeth as trustworthy, but others view Macbeth as capable of treachery.