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Q: What is the meaning of yupuda'' in korean language?
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What language is the''Sarang Heyo or Nanum tangshinul sarang hamnida''and what does it means?

Its Korean, meaning "I love you"

What does Kayla mean in Korean?

I LOVE YOU -It doesn't mean i love you.It doesnt really have a meaning in the Korean language tho. I am a Korean native.I asked my parents and grand parents and my Korean speaking family they say it does not.

How do you say Korean language in Korean language?

wae 왜

What does corrine mean is Korean?

Corrine has no meaning in Korean. Only Korean names have meaning in Korean.

Is Korean an indo-European language?

No, Korean is not an Indo-European language. It belongs to the Koreanic language family, which is a language isolate with no known genealogical relationship to any other language family.

What do you do - Korean language?

to communicate well korean language,,and understand what they talkig,,and also speak well their language

Who made the Korean language?

Korean was a language that naturally developed on the Korean peninsula. King Saejong the Great was responsible for devising the current Hangeul alphabet for the Korean language. (It previously used the Chinese ideographs -- Hanzi.) Korean is not a created language; it is not Esperanto or Klingon.

Only for you in korean language?

"Only for you" is written as "dangsin man-ui" in the Korean language.

Why would you study the Korean language?

You could study Korean language because you need to know the language for business or other matters, as a second language, or because you want to know the language of your ancestors, if you are of Korean heritage.

What do Mary ann silvano mean in Korean?

Mary Ann Silvano has no meaning in Korean. Only Korean names have meaning in Korean.

What does the name 'Rachel' mean in Korean?

Rachel means "lamb" in Hebrew, but it has no meaning in Korean. Only Korean names have meaning in Korean.