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1w ago

The measurement of how much matter is in an object is its mass. Mass is typically measured in units such as grams or kilograms.

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Q: What is the measurement of how much matter is in an object?
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What measurement of how much matter an object contains is?


What is the dfenition of mass?

The mass of an object is the measurement of how much matter contains.

What is the measurement of how much matter and object contains?

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Is a measurement of the matter in an object?

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A measurement of the amount of matter in an object is its?

The measurement of the amount of matter in an object is its mass. Mass is typically expressed in units such as kilograms or grams and represents the quantity of material in an object, irrespective of its volume or weight.

What is the measurement of the amount of matter is in an object?


What is the measurement of amount of matter?

It is the mass of the object.

Give examples of mass?

A book is an example of mass because mass is a measurement of how much matter is in an object.

What unit of metric measurement do you use to find how much matter is in an object?

Grams. Matter is measured by mass and mass's main unit is grams.

What the measurement of how matter an object contains is it?

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