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-desis = fixation of bone or joint

-pexy = fixation of an organ

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-plasty is the medical terminology suffix meaning surgical repair.

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The suffix is -desis, such as arthrodesis. In this case, arthrodesis means surgical fusion of a joint to another joint, usually to relieve pain from joint conditions such as Arthritis.

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-desis is the medical term meaning surgical fusion. For instance, arthrodesis is surgical fusion of a joint.

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Palatoplasty is the medical term meaning surgical repair of the roof of the mouth, or palate. The suffix -plasty means surgical repair.

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The suffix -plasty means surgical repair.

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Q: What suffix meaning surgical fixation of bone or joint?
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What is the medical term meaning surgical fixation of a muscle?

Arthrodesis is a surgical procedure that stiffens a joint or joins spinal vertebrae. Arthrodesis means the fixation of a joint. The suffix -desis means "surgical fixation of." Joint fusion or arthrodesis is a method used for pain relief , regain stability and strength. The bones are aligned in the most functional position, but lose their natural motion. In a related term, ankylosis is the abnormal stiffening of a joint.

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Fasciodesis (fasci/o meaning fascia, fibrous band and -desis meaning surgical fixation of a bone or joint, to bind, tie together)fasciodesisRBfasciodesis

What does -desis mean in medical terms?

Surgical fixation of bone or joint; to bind; tie together

What are some medical words using pexy and plasty?

Well since plasty means a surgical repair of sorts, then you could just combine it with any root basically like Arthroplasty- surgical joint repair Rhinoplasty- nose job And pexy is similar meaning fixation so hysteropexy- means fixation of an organ etc

What is surgical puncture of a joint?

The suffix "-centesis" is from the Greek meaning "to prick" or in modern day "surgical puncture". Generally it is when a needle is inserted into a space and fluid (air or liquid) is withdrawn. Examples include: Amniocentesis (pregnancy: bag of waters) Abdominocentesis (sample comes from belly) Arthrocentesis (from around a joint)

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of a bone?

well, excise is a good word.For removal of a limb: AmputationFor removal of mass or organ: Excision (Excision means that tissue is removed, using a scalpel, laser or another instrument)To remove a tissue sample: BiopsyThe medical terminology combining form for surgical removal is -ectomy.Excision is the medical term meaning surgical removal. -ectomy is the medical terminology combining form meaning surgical removal.

What is a surgical puncture of a joint to remove fluid?

Arthrocentesis is the term meaning surgical puncture of a joint. This procedure is usually done to remove fluid for analysis or to increase comfort.

What is The medical term meaning surgical procedure to inspect and repair torn cartilage in the knee?

Patelloplasty is resurfacing or revision of the patella in knee replacement surgery. Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure orthopaedic surgeons use to visualize, diagnose, and treat problems inside a joint.

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of an abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe?

Bunionectomy is surgical removal of a bunion, and abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe.

The surgical placement of an artificial joint is known as?

The surgical placement of an artificial joint is known as a joint replacement.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning surgical withdrawal of fluid from a body cavity?

-centesis is the medical terminology combining form meaning surgical withdrawal of fluid from a body cavity. So arthorcentesis is withdrawal of fluid from a joint, and tympanocentesis is withdrawal of fluid from behind the eardrum.

Which procedure is the surgical loosening and ankylosed joint?

The surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint is called ARTHROLYSIS. Arthrodesis is the opposite -- surgical ankylosing of a joint.