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The melting point of ethylene glycol is 8.78 degrees Fahrenheit or -12.9 degrees Celsius. It is both a coolant and a heat transfer agent.

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-9.62 C/molal

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Depends on mixture and coolant quality.

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Q: What is the melting point of ethylene glycol?
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When ethylene glycol is added to water the melting point of water is?

Ethylene glycol is antifreeze. The mixture has a lower melting point than pure water.

Why does ethylene glycol increase the boiling point of water?

Ethylene glycol is a non-volatile solute that raises the boiling point of water through the phenomenon of boiling point elevation. When ethylene glycol is dissolved in water, it disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules, making it harder for them to escape into the gas phase. This results in an increase in the boiling point of the solution compared to pure water.

How can you tell if glycol is ethylene or propylene?

One way to differentiate between ethylene glycol and propylene glycol is by conducting a simple solubility test. Ethylene glycol is completely soluble in water, while propylene glycol is only partially soluble. Additionally, you can use techniques like gas chromatography or mass spectrometry for a more accurate identification.

What does ethylene glycol do to the solution?

Raises the boiling point and lowers the freezing point.

Ethylene glycol in coolant or propylene gylcol?

Ethylene glycol

Is ethylene glycol halal?

Ethylene glycol is not of animal origin !

When ethylene glycol is added to water the boiling point of water is?


Are ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol monomers polymers or neither?

Polyethylene oxide and polyethylene glycol are both known polymers. Ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol are, therefore, monomeric.

What elements is ethylene glycol made up of?

Ethylene glycol is composed of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) atoms. Its chemical formula is C2H6O2.

What is the color of ethylene-glycol?

It is clear. If it is at room temperature, and 100% Ethylene glycol is clear.

Is ethylene glycol a polymer?

no, but polyethylene glycol is.

What is the major componet of most major brands of antifreeze?

Ethylene glycol.Ethylene glycol.