

Best Answer

LOVe,anonamus New Answer. The Thrase is implying that God will not Allow it to Rain This Day. The Thrase is connected to a religious aspect. If There is a Rainbow is at Night then it implys the nest day will be sunny, If a Rainbow exists in the morning then it implys that it will rain.

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Q: What is the meteorological justification of the saying - a rainbow in the morning is the shepherd's warning a rainbow at night is the shepherd's delight?
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Is red sky at night shepherds delight?

Red sky at night means its going to rain.The shepherds like this because it keeps the foxes away. Red sky in the morning shepherds warning means Its going to be a nice day, and watch out the foxes are around

What does 'red sky at night shepherds delight red sky in the morning sailors warning' mean?

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Can you finish the rest of this sentence red sky at morning?

Red sky at night, sailor's delight, Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.(Another version says "shepherds" instead of "sailors")

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A red sun at morning, Sailor take warning. A red sun at night Is a Sailor's delight. So storms would come after a red sun at morning and pleasant weather after a red sun at night.

What does red sky in morning mean?

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It comes from an expression: Red sky at night, sailor's delight; red sky at morning, sailors take warning. Nautical folklore holds that a red sky in the morning portends bad weather.

What does the quote red sky at night sailors delight red sky in the morning sailors warning?

If the sky is red at night it's going to be a calm day BUT if there is a red sky in the morning it's going to be stormy or rainy.

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Joy shines bright in the morning light, Bringing warmth and delight, It dances in hearts so light, A feeling that is truly right.

What does rainbow in the morning gives you fair warning mean?

No, a rainbow at anytime even the morning isn't a warning of anything. I agree with him that rainbows just arn't good or bad luck

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Pink skies at night, sailors' delight. Pink sky in morning, sailors take warning. Generally, if there is pink in the sky during sunset, the following day will be fair. If there is pink in the sky in the morning, the day is likly to be stormy.

What does a red sunset mean?

A red sunset means that the next day is going to be quite pleasant. There is a saying that goes, red sky at night shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning.