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iambic pentameter

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Q: What is the meter of sonnet 73?
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What type is sonnet 73?

If you mean William Shakespeare's sonnet 73, it is not surprisingly a Shakespearean sonnet.

What is the subject of Sonnet 73?

Shakespeare's Sonnet 73 is about old age. Here is a link to the text of the sonnet:

What is the main idea of sonnet 73 in the last couplet?

The main idea expressed in the last couplet of Sonnet 73 is that one can find strength in love. Sonnet 73 was written by William Shakespeare.

What year did William Shakespeare write sonnet 73?


73 cm equals how many meters?

There are 100 cm in a meter. Thus 73 cm is less than a meter - it is .73 of a meter.

Is there consonance in sonnet 73?

Yes, there is consonance in Sonnet 73. For example: "That time of year thou mayst in me behold" - the repeated "th" and "m" sounds create consonance in this line.

What type of sonnet is sonnet 130?

Shakespeare's sonnet 130 is a Shakespearean sonnet in terms of rhyme scheme. Its meter is iambic pentameter, and its tone is satirical.

What is the tone used in sonnet 73?

pensive and mournful

What is a sonnet that has 10 syllables in it called?

A sonnet with 10 syllables in each line is typically referred to as a decasyllabic sonnet. It is a specific form of the sonnet that follows a strict meter and rhyme scheme.

What was the meter of Shakespeares' sonnet CXVI?

Iambic pentameter.

What is the meter of the shakespearean sonnet 18?

Iambic pentameter.

What is the meter of Sonnet CXVI by Shakespeare?

iambic pentameter