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Q: What is the mid-latitudes located?
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Where are the midlatitudes located?

Near the equator.

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Which economically important plants thrive in East Asia midlatitudes?

The Cannabis Plant

What is the relative temperature of the ocean current flowing along the west coast of a continent in the midlatitudes?

the marine west coast and the mediterranean.

Where is the most variable weather found on earth?

The midlatitudes climates experience variable weather patterns and seasonal changes that give rise to a variety of natural vegetation.

What are two main types of dry climates and how are they distinguish from each other?

The two main types of dry climates are semi-arid (or steppe) and arid (or desert), both of which occur in low latitudes and midlatitudes.

What has the author Howard B Bluestein written?

Howard B. Bluestein has written: 'Clouds' 'Tornado alley' -- subject- s -: Tornadoes, Storms, Pictorial works 'Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes: Volume II'

What are polar easterlies and prevailing westerlies?

Polar easterlies are dry, cold prevailing winds that blow from the east. They emanate from the polar highs, areas of high pressure around the North and South Poles. Polar easterlies flow to low-pressure areas in sub-polar regions. Westerlies are prevailing winds that blow from the west at midlatitudes.

Describe the absolute location of Texas?

The closer your location is to the equator, the hotter it will be. This is where you can expect hurricanes, tropical storms, spotty rain clouds, and lots of sun. The farther you are located from the equator, the colder it will be. You would expect more rain and snow, and less sun.

What air currents flow over the mid-latitudes?

The geostrophic wind component is the result of the balance between Coriolis force and pressure gradient force. It flows parallel to isobars and approximates the flow above the atmospheric boundary layer in the midlatitudes.

Are all world regions in the midlatitudes equally likely to experience tornadoes?

No. Some regions have much higher tornado frequencies than other. For example, the central plains of the United States (a region called tornado alley) experiences more tornadoes than anywhere else in the world, but west of the Rockies tornadoes are relatively rare.

What is the preposition followed by located?

Some of the prepositions that can follow the verb 'located' are:located about...located above...located across...located after...located against...located along...located among...located around...located at...located behind...located below...located beneath...located beside...located between...located by...located in...located inside...located near...located off...located on...located opposite...located outside...located past...located through...located toward...located under...located with...located within...