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as per NBC height of habitable room is 2.75 meter

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Q: What is the minimum size of a habitable room?
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What is the minimum height for a habitable room in the roof space?

minimum height of a habitable room is 2.18 meters and maximum is 4.2 meters.

What is the minimum size for a bedroom to be classed as a bedroom?

There is not a minimum measurement requirement for a size of a room for it to be considered a bedroom. A room can be considered a bedroom if it has a closet.

Minimum size of the toilet room?

The minimum size of a toilet room can vary depending on what's included in the room. It may only contain a toilet, a toilet and sink, or a toilet, sink, and shower or tub or both.

What is the minimum number of outlets in a room?

1Answerone There has to be an outlet for every 12 linear feet of wall space without an entry intervening. So say you had as 12 ft. by 12 ft. room and a door was in corner. If you put an outlet on the center of each wall that would be the minimum per code.

What is the minimum bedroom size in Washington?

There is no minimum bedroom size in Washington state. However, in order to be considered a bedroom, the room must have heat, a window large enough to escape through if you had to, and a closet.

Can you explain what supported minimum size in computer terms?

The supported minimum size in 1950 it was the size of a room. They started out like calculators, doing math equations. Now we are more advanced so we can use smaller work spaces.

What is the standard size of a room in the India?

The standrd hotel room size, which isn't a definite standard more like average size is: 300 to 400 square feet in the US. 25 - 35 meters in Israel it depen on hotel type. in the economic hotel, it's about 25m2. the bed is about 1.2m*2m.

What does supported minimum size mean?

Supported minimum size

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Minimum intensity of office room for visibility is minimum 350 lumens

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Minimum size is 36

How many wall mount switch controlled lighting outlets shall be installed in every habitable room and bathroom?

There is no maximum or minimum amount in the U.S. for switched controlled outlets. You can have none if you want. However you must have one outlet installed evert 12 feet minimum or you can install more. If a wall is 2 feet or wider it must have an outlet installed.

What is the minimum size of an Excel workbook?

The minimum size of an Excel workbook is 1 spreadsheet.