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that depends on what level of chemistry your taking. they teach the bohr model in high school, and sometimes in college they teach quantam mechanics. it depends on who you ask.

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The quantic model is accepted today.

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Q: What is the currently accepted atomic model?
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What is an atomic model currently used?

Now the quantum model is accepted.

What is the major difference the bohr model and the currently accepted atomic model?

Bohr assumed that electrons moved in fixed orbits.

How does the model describe the atom?

Today the accepted atomic model is quantic.

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Dalton's atomic theory or model was accepted despite errors. This is because his theory provided a logical explanation of concepts and led the way to new experimentations.

What is the major difference between the Bohr model and the accepted atomic model?

Bohr assumed that electrons moved in fixed orbits.

The scientist whose model of the atom is now accepted as the most accurate atomic structure is?

Niels bohr

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The "plum pudding" atomic model of J. J. Thomson is considered today simplistic and incorrect; now is accepted the quantum atomic model, more realistic but also more complicate.

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They developed the currently accepted model of the plasma membrane of a cell in 1972 at the University of California, San Diego. Their model is called the Fluid-Mosaic Model.

Why john Dalton's atomic model which describes an atom as an invisible spherical participle are no longer accepted?

First of all he did'nt say that it was invisible, he said it was indivisible i.e. it cannot be divided further but it can be in the form of protons,electrons and neutrons.That's why it was not accepted. By the way he proposed atomic theory not a model. Models were proposed by THOMSON, RUTHERFORD and NEIL BOHR.