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Q: What is the monetary and non monetary factors that affect the supply of labour?
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In most models, the factors that can cause a change in supply include: 1) Change in the capital stock. 2) Change in the labour stock. 3) Change in the level of technology. 4) Change is utilisation rates of capital and labour.

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Main determinants of labour demand are: demand for goods,availability of capital and cost of labour. Main determinants of labour supply are: wages and benefits, population size(demographic factors) and job requirements

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There are many factors that affect labor supply. In most cases, this will be determined by the wage rate of the particular industry and the production level expected among other factors.

What are the factors that affect labor supply?

There are many factors that affect labor supply. In most cases, this will be determined by the wage rate of the particular industry and the production level expected among other factors.

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