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Q: What is the moss that grows on rocks?
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The type of moss that grows on rocks.

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What is the name of a plant that grows on bare rocks or stones?

Certain species of moss commonly grow on rocks. Moss does not have roots so it does not necessarily require the soil that most plants require to grow. To see more about moss and how it grows, see the related links.lithophyle

Can you name the green moss that grows on rocks and fallen tree limbs?

Dutch Elm

A plant that is a cross between a fungi and an algae?

Lichen is formed by a partnership between fungi and algae. Lichen is a specific type of moss that grows on rocks.

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stuff such as dried meat, silver berch barck, black moss that grows on rocks, and other hunted animals and fish

Why do moss grow on rocks?

They don't grow or live on all rocks. The only time that mosses will grow on rocks is if those rocks are wet with moisture all the time. If they (the rocks) are not wet with moisture all the time, moss will not grow on them. Moss also grows on the north-side of trees, since that is the wettest part of the trees, and because the sun does not get at the north-side of the trees, thus being unable to dry that moist area up.

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How does moss differ from the leaves of more complex plants?

moss grows on land, and algae grows in water

Does moss always point to civilization?

Moss does not point to anything. There is an old wive's tale that it grows on the north side of trees, but actually it grows all over.