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Q: What is the most anticipated sport in the world?
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What is the most anticipated watched sport?

I think that the most anticipated watched sport is golf.

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Dreamliner Inside the World's Most Anticipated Airplane - 2011 TV was released on: USA: 27 September 2011

What is the most popular plated sport in the world?

The most popular sport in the world is soccer.

What is the world's second most popular sport?

Volleyball is the second most popular sport in the world.

The world most papular sport is?

The world most popular sport is soccer and cricket.

What sport is loved most in the world?

Soccer (football in other nations) is the most popular sport in the world.

What team sport has most world wide participation?

football is the most supported sport inthe world

What is the most popular spectator sport in the world?

Soccer is the #1 sport in the world :)

What is the biggest participant sport the world?

Soccer (football) is the biggest participant sport in the world, with billions of fans and players worldwide. It is played in almost every country and has a huge following at both amateur and professional levels.

What is the most popular individual sport in the world?

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. That's a true fact :-)

World richest sport?

soccer is the most richest sport.

What is the most common sport for girls in the world?

The common sport in the world is Futbol (Soccer).