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Q: What is the most common copper ore?
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What is the most common ore of copper?

The most common ore of copper is chalcopyrite, which is a sulfide mineral containing iron and copper. It is widely distributed and is a major source of copper worldwide.

The real name for copper ore?

The most common ore of copper is Copper pyrite CuFeS2 but other ores are also exist.

Common name of copper ore?


How do you get copper metal from copper ore?

It depends upon nature of ore the most common ore of copper is Copper pyrite CuFeS2. the extraction of copper from this ore involves the following steps, 1-crushing, 2-grinding, 3-concentration of ore, 4-roastiong, 5-smelting, 6- preparation of blister copper and 7- electrorefining of blister copper.

What is the name of copper's ore?

I know the following ores of copper Chalcopyrite, Copper Glance, Chlcocite, Malachite, Cuprite

Is copper ore oxidized?

Most copper ore occurs as copper in combination with oxygen, yes.

Chemical formula copper ore?

The chemical formula for copper ore can vary depending on the type of ore. For example, chalcopyrite, which is a common copper ore, has a chemical formula of CuFeS2. Other copper ores may have different chemical compositions.

How is the copper ore extracted from the ground?

Copper ore is typically extracted from the ground through a process called mining. This involves drilling, blasting, and hauling the ore to the surface for processing. Methods such as open-pit mining or underground mining are commonly used to extract copper ore from the ground.

What ore is copper found in?

a copper ore

What ore is copper?

Copper ore is called CHALCOPYRITE.

Name one copper ore?

The mineral malachite is an ore of copper.

What is used to separate copper from its ore?

A refinery separates copper from its ore.