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Many fungal infections are called opportunistic infections, which means, Some disease-causing fungi are more common in certain parts of the world it is common, high-risk HIV patients.

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Q: What is the most common diseases in AIDS patients is a yeast infection called?
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What organism is responsible for causing a fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth that is a common opportunistic infection in patients with AIDS?

Candida albicans frequently causes thrush in immune-compromised people, such as AIDS patients.

What are the diseases due to garbage?

The most common disease caused by exposure to human waste is gastro-enteritis. Gastro- enteritis is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract.

What are 3 diseases of the respiratory system?

1. Laryngitis - the inflammation of the voice box (larynx) caused by viral infection. 2. Tonsillitis - the inflammation of the tonsils due to infection. 3. Pharyngitis - an acute inflammation of the throat (pharynx) caused by viruses or bacteria. 4. Bronchitis - the inflammation of the bronchi caused by viral infection. 5. Bronchial Asthma - an attack of breathlessness accompanied by wheezing. 6. Pneumonia - an infection of the lungs caused by viruses or bacteria. 7. Tuberculosis (TB) - an infection of the lungs caused by tuberculosis bacteria. 8. Emphysema - an ailment in which the alveoli in the lungs become damaged and is usually caused by heavy cigarette smoking and to some degree by long exposure to polluted air. 9. Lung Cancer - an uncontrolled growth of cells which affect the lung tissue and the main cause of Lung Cancer is cigarette smoking.

What is a bacterial infection that is common among teens and has symptoms of fever sore throat and swollen glands?

The beta hemolytic streptococcal infection is common amongst the teens. You have 50 % of cases of sore throat due to the same in age group 5 to 15 years. From 2 to 5 and 15 to 20 age group you have 30 % sore throat infection due to streptococcal infection. Below and above this age group, the percentage of streptococcal infection drops to 20 %. ( Dedicated to the great US professor of paediatrics, who wrote the book named 'Infectious diseases of paediatrics' during 1970's.)

Identify common sources of infection-?

One common source of infection is an open wound. If a wound isn't cleaned properly, bacteria can breed in the warm viscera within and cause an infection.

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What you are probably intending to ask is about mycoplasma. It is a common bacteria that causes infection of the lungs. This is also called mycoplasma pneumonia

What organism is responsible for causing a fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth that is a common opportunistic infection in patients with AIDS?

Candida albicans frequently causes thrush in immune-compromised people, such as AIDS patients.

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botulism is NOT

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The skin infection that is common during adolescence is called acne.

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Three commonly spread diseases include the common cold, influenza, and streptococcal pharyngitis. The first two are viral diseases, and the third is a bacterial infection.

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Melioidosis is presently a public health concern because it is most common in AIDS patients and intravenous drug users.

What is signal foci?

Signal foci is a white matter in the cerebrum. It is a common incidental finding on MRI of the brain of patients with a variety of diseases.

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Splenomegaly is the enlargement of the spleen and is generally caused by infectious diseases such as mononucleosis or other diseases such as cancer or a bacterial infection.

Can genetics cause multiple sclerosis?

research has shown that several autoimmune diseases, including MS, share a common genetic link. In other words, patients with MS might share common genes with family members that have other autoimmune diseases

What is the medical significance of members of the Enterobacteriaceae?

Enterobacter aerogenes can be of significance in patients who are elderly, immunocompromised, recent hospital admission because this is usually acquired from the hospital or nasocomial. It can cause severe infection and can cause sepsis. Although generally found in the G.I tract it can also present as infection in the lungs ( Pulmonary) and genito-urinary ( UTI/Cystitis)

The common name for candidiasis is what?

Candidiasis is commonly called a yeast infection or thrush.