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It depends on your lifestyle and living arrangements. Common sources are:

  • Secondhand smoke Tobacco and marijuana
  • Fuel fumes and exhaust from attached garages
  • Ozone from electrical devices
  • Pet dander
  • Solvents from fresh pain
  • Solvents from carpet glues
  • Ammonia, chlorine and organics from cleaning agents
  • Smoke from fried food and other cooking
  • Perfumes and artificial ours which are usually aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Dust mite fecal matter
  • Smoke from fireplaces
  • Asbestos (in older homes being renovated)
  • Hobbies (solvents, lead uses from solder, asbestos, wood dust etc.)
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7y ago
Tobacco smoke

I would have to say Allergens (dust, pollen, etc) that get carried in from outside. That or Secondhand Smoke from people who smoke inside.
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Q: What is the most common form of indoor air pollution?
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Most common form of pollution?

Puting garbage in the sea/ocean/river.

What are the most common indoor air popllutant?

The most common indoor air pollutant is air freshener.

What is air pollution called?

visible air pollution is called "smog"

Most common kind of pollution?

Air Pollution, its all around us (in varying degrees)

Which type of ocean pollution is the most common?

The most common type of ocean pollution is garbage or sewage. They are readily dumped into the ocean by ships and countries located along the ocean.

How can you reduce indoor pollution?

The government is taking some measures to reduce and eliminate pollution indoors. One measure is the use of ventilation fans. Another is to ban smoking inside most buildings.

The most popular form of indoor entertainment in the early 1800s was?

Wiffle ball.

What is the most common type of pollution?

probably air or water

A type of air pollution common around but not limited to cities is called?

A type of air pollution which is most common around cities is smog. The most common causes of smog are automobile exhaust and industrial plants.

What is the greatest danger indoor air pollution or outdoor air pollution?

Air outside your home is probably healthier than the air inside. According to research, indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air even in the largest and most industrialized cities, even Los Angeles.Both pollutions are fairly dangerous for different reasons, for indoor it is because we usually sleep indoors and it can be harmful for us to inhale all that pollution constantly. outdoor pollution is dangerous because it contaminates water which we drink and can make us very sick.

What is the most common form of coal in Pennsylvania?


What is ocean polution?

Ocean pollution is garbage or chemicals that are spilled into the ocean. Plastics and fertilizers are the most common forms of ocean pollution.