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The kind that renders a target lifeless.

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Q: What is the most dangerous type of ammo?
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For an extremely long time. It depends upon conditions and ammo type. Civil war explosives are still dangerous.

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Nuclear is the most dangerous type of energy

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The most dangerous type of rhino is the black rhino.

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Thunder is not dangerous; it is merely sound. It is lightning that is dangerous. The most dangerous type is cloud-to-ground lightning.

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i think the mosy dangerous diabetes is the type 2..............

What is the most dangerous type of lightning?

I hope this is helpful... ... the most dangerous type of lightning is cloud to ground lightning. see was that so bad

What temperature is ammo no good anymore?

It really depends on the type of ammunition. I've fired ammo from -65 to 140 F in different calibers. Storage has the most impact.

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How do you get unlimited ammo on commando 2?

during the game type in WEINER25 then get the gun out you want to have unlimited ammo then press on commando 13 times then type AMMO. if u did it right you should have unlimited ammo. YOU ARE WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

What is the most dangerous type of frog?

The most dangerous type of frog is the golden poison frog. Its poison is capable of killing in excess of ten men.