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Q: Most effective way to get rid of salmonella typhimurium?
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Related questions

Do all chickens have salmonella If you have a pet chicken and it has it can you get rid of it?

No and most likely not.

How can you get rid of salmonella on a turtle?

i heard something about using copper sulfate to get rid of the salmonella germs on my turtles.

How can you get rid of the salmonella on your tortoise?

You cant

What is the most effective way to get rid of stains in clothes?

bleach is the most effective way to get rid of stains it removes all the dirt and cleares out the stain.

How does salmonella cause diarrhea?

The salmonella doesnt cause diarrea, its what the body does to get rid of the bacteria. But its still a symptom.

How to get rid of salmonella from black pepper?

go tothe doctor

How can turtles get salmonella and can you get it and if you and your turtle has salmonella how do you cure it and make it go away?

its very natural and healthy for a turtle to have salmonella and you cant get rid of it but you can get it but just make sure that you wash your hands after holding them

What are the most effective surgical and non-surgical techniques for getting rid of stomach fat?

The most effective surgical technique for getting rid of fat (as opposed to weight) is liposuction. The most effective non-surgical technique is watching your diet and getting moderate exercise five times a week.

How do you get rid of salmonellae?

Since Salmonella is a bacterium, the disease it causes is treated with antibiotics

How do you get rid of rutherglen bugs?

There various methods you can use to get rid of rutherglen bugs. The best and most effective method is getting rid of the weeds that they use as the host.

How do you get rid of virus is on your hands?

Washing your hands with soap and water is the most effective means.

How do you get rid of wetas?

The most effective way to get rid of wetas is to use an over the counter insect spray. Any type of brand will work to eradicate them.