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Both the alkali metals and halogens because they only need one electron, or only need to lose 1 electron

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Down in the most left group: alkaline metals

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Q: What is the most reactive metals that are found in a group?
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Where are the most reactive metals on the periodic table located in group 1 or?

the most reactive metals are found on the far left.

What group are the most reactive metals found in?

Group 1, including sodium and potassium

What is the most reactive group of metals in the periodic table is the?

The Alkali metals are the most reactive group of metals in the Periodic Table. Of these Francium is the most reactive metal of all.

On what side of the periodic table would you find the most reactive metals?

The most reactive metals will be found in Group 1 on the right side of the periodic table.

What family of the most reactive group of metals in the periodic table?

The Alkali metals are the most reactive group of metals in the Periodic Table. Of these Francium is the most reactive metal of all.

what is the most reactive (non-metals) group in the periodic table?

the most reactive (non-metals) group in the periodic table is GROUP 17+they are all reactive

Which groups of metals are most reactive therefore never being found free in nature?

Group 1 and group 2 metals

The Family of what is the most reactive group of metals in the periodic table?

The Alkali metals are the most reactive group of metals in the periodic table. Of these Francium is the most reactive metal of all.

Where are most reactive metals found in periodic table?

The most reactant group is the alkaline metals. but they only really start getting really reactive the more you move down the alkali metals.

What is the most reactive family of nonmetals and metals?

The most reactive nonmetals are in group 17 (halogens). The most reactive metals are in group 1 (alkali metals).

Are the most reactive metals in the middle of the periodic table?

No the most reactive metals are in the first group on the periodic table. They get more reactive as you go down a group

What is the most reactive group of non metals in the periodic table?

Group-17 are most reactive non-metals. They form halogens.