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The most sacred part is the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible.

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Q: What is the most sacred part of the Hebrew scripture?
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What is the first part of the Hebrew Scripture?

Is called the Torah (תורה)

What did the latter day saints worship?

Mormons are Christians. They worship God and Jesus, and are considered part of the Protestant tradition. They believe that the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and New Testament are sacred scripture. But they also believe their own bible, the Book of Mormon, is sacred scripture too.

Which came first sacred tradition or sacred scripture?

Tradition is all things having to do with a particular religion that are handed down from generation to generation. This would include written Scripture, creeds and other writings and teachings about the faith. So Scripture can be seen as part of the greater Tradition of faith.

Is septuagint is part of Jewish scripture?

No. The Septuagint is an ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible.

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The Consecration, when Our Lord becomes present on the altar is the most sacred part of the Mass.

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What part of the mass do you sing Gloria?

In the Roman Catholic Rite, the Gloria is sung after the Penitential Act and before the Liturgy of the Word (the reading of sacred Scripture).

Is psalm 118 scriptural?

The Psalms are part of the Bible; therefore, many people consider them to be Holy Scripture.

What is sacred tradition?

Most of the beliefs and practices found in sacred tradition have their basis in Scripture, but some do not. Catholics' belief that Mary was assumed into heaven is an example of a sacred tradition that has no reference in Scripture. The Assumption of Mary was nonetheless an important belief in the early Church, and that is why it has been passed on through the generations as part of sacred tradition. A few examples of beliefs and practices that do have their basis in Scripture would include the following: · The Apostles' Creed, an early summary of important Christian beliefs. · The role of bishops, priests, and the pope in Christian ministry. · The authority of the pope -- the belief that the pope cannot teach falsely when he speaks officially as head of the Church on matters of faith and morals. · Our understanding of the Sacraments and their place in Christian life.

What is the third sacred text in Judaism besides the Hebrew Bible and the Torah?

There is only one sacred text, the Hebrew Bible, of which the Torah is a part. There are several other writings of religious significance, such as the Talmud and Mishnah (writings of ancient rabbis). Only the Hebrew Bible is considered sacred by most Jews.

What was the oldest fragment in the Hebrew scripture?

If you are asking what the oldest part of the Hebrew Bible is, it's the Torah (the 5 books of Moses). If you are asking fo the oldest fragment of biblical Hebrew writing, it's an inscription on a pottery shard discovered in the Elah valley dating from the 10th century BCE.