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Q: What is the muscle whose function is to pull the forearm toward you when rowing?
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What muscle do you use to bend your forearm toward your shoulder?

Triceps Muscle

What happens to your arm when you flex your muscle?

There are three muscles involved in flexing your elbow. They connect your upper arm to your forearm. When they contract, they become shorter and pull your forearm toward your upper arm.

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"The Awful Rowing Toward God" is a poem written by author Anne Sexton. It explores themes of struggle, redemption, and spirituality.

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The bias in the thinking function is towards logic, reason, and objectivity, often prioritizing analysis and problem-solving based on factual information rather than emotions or personal values.

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stimulation of the muscle by a nerve ending.

During muscle contraction the moves toward the?

the insertion moves toward the origin

Which pass is best if the volley ball is coming toward you at waist level?

A forearm pass is best. (bump)

Function of smooth muscle is to provide?

Smooth muscle is involuntary. That means it works automatically and you have no direct control over it. Smooth muscle is found in the digestive system and helps push food through the stomach and intestines. It is also found in the blood veins and keeps blood flowing back toward the heart.

The first step toward generating a skeletal muscle contraction?

stimulation of the muscle by a nerve ending.

What muscle brings the little finger toward the thumb?

The muscle responsible for bringing the little finger toward the thumb is called the abductor digiti minimi.

What is an example of joint adduction?

Adduction- rowing Abduction- gymnastics