

Rowing and Sculling

Also referred to as crew, rowing is a sport in which teams race on a river, lake or ocean in boats using oars. Ask questions about the sport here.

322 Questions

What is the fastest recorded time for rowing 1km?

The fastest recorded time for rowing 1km is around 2 minutes and 54 seconds, achieved by a highly trained and elite rower.

For rowing How many people are on a team?

A rowing team typically consists of either four or eight rowers, depending on the specific event or race.

How much does a rowing boat weigh?

A typical rowing boat can weigh between 30 to 60 pounds, depending on its size and materials used in construction.

How many strokes in a 1000metre rowing race?

not sure what you mean by this, but if you mean the Olympics, they race on a 2000 meter course, the world standard. i know in the u.s. scholastic teams (high schools and some colleges) race on a 1500 meter race course. that's about as short as it gets though

What is a boat called for 8 man rowing?

the proper answer is an 8.
or if these rowers are using two blades (sculling) it is called an octuplate

A scull is to rowing as a what is to yachting?

Nothing, I'm guessing because there both different things only the fact that there are in water.

When you row a boat on the pond why does the boat go forward when you are pulling the oars back toward you?

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newton's laws are essential to understand. When you apply force through your ores you are getting an equal response. Therefore it's like you using the water to throw your weight in the direction of need being.

Another example would be if you're in space. There is nothing to grasp to apply force, therefore the force is not created. Waving your arms in space isn't going to allow you to move unless you have something to throw. If you throw the object in the opposite direction of where you want to go.. the force will be applied equally back therefor causing you to move.

What are rowing events called?

Rowing competitions are called regattas. Yes, rowing competitions are called regattas. Sometimes if it is just between two clubs, it is called a Duel or a Dual meet or race. There are regattas - small races, usually sprint. There are also longer races called long distance sculls or small boats head - there isn't very much difference between the two. Sprint races are usually short races (1-2km). There are also head races (usually 4-5km). Also, meets between three teams is called a tri-meet, or sometimes a tri-regatta (I've only heard the latter used for one competition).

What type of lever is a rowboat oars?

Yes, it is all three classes of lever depending on the point in the stroke. Your hands are the fulcrums and the oar is the beam.
If you use oarlocks then it is a first class lever with the fulcrum in the center.
If you use it as a paddle then it is a third class lever with the fulcrum as mentioned before in the hand opposite the load.

When is survival sculling used for?

if you're injured,say you can't use your legs? also, it is handy for if you're dragging someone unconsious, or if you are on the ocean and simply want to stay afloat

How many players in rowing?

You were probably thinking about how many athletes. You can row in 1x ( one man rowing with two oars ) , 2x (two men each with one oar ), 2 - (two men each with one oar ), 2+ (two men each with one oar and a cox ), 4x (four men each with a pair of oars), 4- (four men each with one oar), 4+ (four men each with one oar and a cox) and there's 8+(eight men each with one oar and a cox). But that's it ;)

How long is a four man rowing shell?

A typical four-man rowing shell is about 40 feet in length.

Specific lengths on a few rowing shells from Vespoli (a well known company) can be found at the bottom of the page from this link:

Do Caroline and Georgina Evers Swindell have any other siblings?

Caroline Evers-Swindell has at least one child, born late in 2012 after both she and her sister Georgina were pregnant. in December 2009, Caroline married former Olympic rower Carl Meyer. She now goes by the name Caroline Meyer.

How long have you been doing rowing?

I don't know what a 'sensible' age is. Most kids start between 12 and 14 (in the 8th or 9th grade in the US) - but it is dependent upon the size of the child. Boats are built for adults - mostly men or tall women. A very short child will not fit well in a boat built for adults. A very tall child can fit well. Smaller kids tend to cox, and then if they grow, they migrate from the stern to pulling an oar. Because rowing does not stress joints like running does, once the child fits in a boat, they can row fine. Rowing in sweep boats is generally a more social experience because there are more people involved. With kids - it should all be about fun anyway - so most junior programs (correctly) focus on making it an enjoyable experience. It is easier for a Junior coach to handle 2-3 eights of kids - so a class of over 20 kids - at a time. If kids start off in sculling boats (suggested below) there is a necessarily much smaller student/teacher ratio, which can be hard to find in many programs. You can start rowing at any sensible age. The best method is to begin with sculling until your muscles are developed before taking on sweep oar.


If you live in the Nashville area, Nashville Rowing has a development program for kids as young as 10, and a child can begin racing once they are a freshman in high school.

Who won Britain's only gold in atlanta 1996?

Steve Redgrave, Matthew Pinsent, Tim Foster and James Cracknell

How do you beat level19 on iQ ball?

first you have to hold on to the bridge and keep letting go and grabbing it again, but grab it in the middle. eventually the bridge will break in the middle and the truck with the target wil come down

What are the benefits of sculling?

Rowing in general provides a full body workout that is also mentally challenging. Sculling is beneficial for rowers for numerous reasons: when learning the symmetry of the movement helps master the stroke more quickly. Also the small boat size encourages a better stroke as imperfections and inconsistencies are revealed more readily than a larger boat.

What is a long narrow boat called?

In rowing, a boat propelled by oars is normally called a shell. Based on how many people are using the boat, and eight has eight rowers, a four has four rowers with one oar each and a quad has four rowers with 2 oars each. A pair has two rowers with one oar each while a double has two rowers with two oars each. A single has one rower with two oars in it.

A Coxswain steers a boat in the sport of what?

Rowing. The cox also is responsible for steering a sailing ship. A Helmsman.

Is there a coxswain in sculling?

A boat's coxswain (pronounced cox'n) is in charge of tactical decisions, steering, and most importantly, the safety of the rowers. Coxswains do not row. Sculling boats (boats of 1, 2, or 4 rowers with 2 oars per rower) generally do not have coxswains. Occasionally a 4-scull will have a cox, but the others do not because they are simple not big enough to be effective with one.