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obsidian obsidian

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skipping stones!

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Q: What are very smooth rocks called?
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What are smooth rocks called?

skipping stones!

What were the smooth rounded rocks that helped dinosaurs digest and grind their food?

rocks are called gastroliths

Are the rocks in cape cod smooth?

why are most of rocks extremely smooth

Which rock is very smooth and has no visible mineral grains?

Glassy textuered rocks, such as Obsidian.

Why do the rocks located in stream beds are smooth?

Rocks in stream beds can become smooth due to a process called abrasion. As water flows over the rocks, it carries sediment and particles that constantly rub against the rocks, wearing them down and making them smooth over time. The friction caused by the movement of water and sediment helps polish the surface of the rocks.

When comparing rocks found in a river why would some feel rough and others feel smooth?

Some feel smooth because it has been eroded away by the current of the water for a very, very long time. The more rough rocks have not been succumb to as much erosion, therefore it is not smooth yet.

What causes rocks on the beach to be smooth?

By weathering. The water currents weather the rocks leaving them smooth.

How are round rocks formed?

Rocks are eroded by waves and wind to form a perfectly round, smooth shape. It may take a very long time.

Why is smooth muscle called smooth muscle?

Because it lacks striations the muscle appears to look very smooth under a microscope.

What rocks are shiny and smooth?


How does rocks get smooth?

some from weathering

Why are rocks in streams so smooth?

cause rocks r dumb