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Simple Squamous Epithelium

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Q: What is the name given to the muscle in the oesophageus that causes the food to move?
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What is the term given to movement in food pipe?

Peristalsis is the involuntary muscle contractions that propel food and liquids through the esophagus down to the stomach.

What process causes the movement of food?

Peristalsis is the process that causes the movement of food through the digestive system. It involves wave-like muscle contractions that push food along the digestive tract. The process helps mix food with digestive juices and move it from the mouth to the stomach and eventually through the intestines for absorption.

What does drinking eggs do for bodybuilders?

It is a raw source of protein which is needed for muscle growthn. It can also be a source for salmonella, a bacteria that causes food poisoning.

What type of muscle tissue is not striated and not under voluntary control?

Smooth muscle is not striated and is not under voluntary control. Your digestive system contains smooth muscle that is involuntary, which causes the digested food to move along the digestive tract in a motion called peristalsis.

What does exercise do to your body when your on a diet?

When you are on a diet excercise causes your body to burn calories and fat. It also causes you to build muscle. This helps you to lose weight faster, keep it off, and can supress cravings for junk food.

What can cause weight gain fatigue heat sensitivity and muscle aches?

Two possible causes are food/non food allergies/intolerance or diabetes type 2. However, there are many other possible causes. It would be wise to check with your own physician or medical adviser.

How does muscle tissue help your stomach digest food?

muscle tissue helps to break down the food. :D

How do you use dystrophy in a sentence?

Muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease that causes muscle weakness and degeneration.

What type of muscle controls digestion?

Your intestines contain a medial layer of smooth muscle. When the smooth muscle in your intestines is innervated this causes contractions of those smooth muscles. This action then propels food through the intestines. This is called peristalsis. So, as far as I know there are no other muscle groups that aide in digestions. There are however, a plethora of chemicals and enzymes that assist in the digestive process.

What type of muscle move food through the digestive system?

SMOOTH muscle

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What is the effect of campylobacter in food handling?

Campylobacter is a bacteria that causes food borne illnesses. It is found in raw poultry, raw milk, and undercooked meats. Common symptoms include bloody diarrhea, muscle pain, nausea, fever, and vomiting.