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Q: What is the name of Bilbos horse?
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What is Bilbos surname?

Bilbo's surname is Baggins.

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What is in bilbos pocket?

During the riddle game, Gollum’s ring is in Bilbo’s pocket.

Bilbos reputation goes up a great deal with the dwarves and Gandalf when he does what?

saved them from the spiders

What is Bilbos reward for helping the dwarves regain their mountain?

A share in Smaug's treasure and adventure.

What is differenec between quarter horse and horse?

A horse is just the name of the animal and Quarter Horse is a name of a breed of horse.

Is Alice a good name for a horse?

Any name is good for a horse it can beAliceDakotaHannaFredAny name will work for a horse.

A horse with no name?

If you have a horse with no name, give it one!

How do you name your horse on your horse club?

Sorry but you can't name your first horse. You just have to pretned it has a name, and not 'my horse'Sorry :(

What is the name of Prince Phillip's horse?

His name is Sampson.

How do you know its Bilbos birthday?

Bilbo's birthday is documented in The Lord of the Rings and in the appendices. It is September 22nd.

What is a name that means horse?

a steed is another name for horse